The Beginning

I would like to say; starting a blog has been HARD. I have been trying to get this going for a month. I chose Blue Host as the most recommended host to get me started. They have been very patient with my requests for help on their chat site and I very much appreciate the people who tried very hard to explain everything I did not understand. However, I discovered in college that I am a multi-media learner. So I started watching YouTube videos – the place I should have started. Something I should have learned from my husband when we were building out our van in 2022. At this point I just hope everything is functioning the way it should – holding my breath.

I would also like to thank my every patient husband for indulging me in this endeavor. He has not only relinquished our computer to me for hours at a time when mine started fritzing out on me, but he also step up in the kitchen by taking care of dishes and clean-up (usually my job).

It is my hope that I will learn more about blogging and the next entry won’t be so agonizing.


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